Optimising Study Time

Time is one of the most valuable thing one can have such as the saying "Time is money". This is especially true to students that have limited time to accomplish and achieve certain goals and to ultimately get a degree in whatever field they're in.

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Time - Management Strategies To Stay Motivated

  1. Utilize a weekly schedule

  2. Utilize a daily planner

  3. Utilize a semester calendar

  4. Make sure to balance academic with social and personal needs and demands

  5. Steer clear of procrastination

Reducing Procrastination

Ones tendency to procrastinate can be the outcome of a student failing a class or a student getting a CGPA with flying colours. It's these types of mentality that can rob you of your future if not managed correctly, while mostly harmless in the short run it can seriously damage your academical progress that you have built in the long run.

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Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

  • Know what you should complete/accomplish

  • Make sure to know deadlines

  • Utilize the use of schedule/planner/calendars

  • set your priority straight

  • Do the unpleasant things first

  • Establish rewards as small goals/wins for finishing a task.

Being Time Organised

Organising time will ensure that :

  • Schedule is being kept and deadlines are met.

  • Stress is usually caused by the feeling of lack of control over work schedules are reduced.

  • Pressure of completing work is reduced and will allow the completion of work with full potential.

  • Your ability to cope and confidence is allowed to be built

  • No overlapping and juggling multiple assignments.


This schedule will help me avoid wasting time.


This Job Task Analysis will help me set my priority correctly and is a reminder to what is important to do before doing the less important things.


This list will help remind me of assignments due dates and lets me know when I should finish the assignments.