Assessment Task 1


Working Process

In this assessment task we will get a template with Fineline but due to the limited time of only 3 lessons, I decide not to do Fineline on top for higher quality.

Firstly I fix some small line connections so that I won't have a problem with masking in the further, and then I start my marker rendering using the soft clean airbrush. Since my past work, I tried to experiment with many brushes and airbrushes that suit my working style the best, mainly because of the smooth line with an opacity of 50% I can work almost the same way as a Real marker brush but more smoothly.

First two lessons I spent the most time working on marker rendering and some colour research for this work and this is my main use of colour in this work.

I first started to focus on my marker rendering the body to cover the most area as soon as possible, so that I can cover up space in my work. As for the time I have just a few lessons to finish it.

I use an aluminium texture on a whisk + marker rendering down bellow as a clipping mask.


In this work, I believe that I have that I achieved a high standard of work in a very short time. I tried to work hard in each lesson, and demonstrate my skill in this work. In my opinion, if I can do the fineline from the start of the work. I would get even more quality by masking each marker rendering. I like how the smooth line in this work and some small fades give me a feeling of plastic reflected with the light on the surface.