Digital Self Portrait

Essential Question: How do you use Photoshop to create a new piece of artwork?

Essential Understanding: Students will learn basic skills in the Photoshop program to create a multi-layered Photoshop collage.

Sketch and Game Plan

The main image will be my desk in the journalism office in Woodland Regional. Photoshopped onto the computer screen, will be my journalist portfolio. The bulliten board behind my desk will feature images of my life. 

How does this Digital Self Portrait represent you?

This self portrait represents me in so many ways. To start, the main image is my desk in Hawk Headlines' journalism office. This office guided me what direction I want my future to take, which is sports journalism. My computer has my portfolio up because that's the work I take the most pride in. I took almost all of the photos on the back wall. I didn't take them when assigned this project because I don't believe that would have been an accurate view of who I am. I love taking photos. I take photos of everything. I used all old photos from moments of my life so that is represented. Photos of my family, friends and Woodland's sport teams acheive my goal. I also threw in a few images I've had taken of me because, as both a journalism and theater major, I am either behind or in front of the camera. To throw some other ideas in the digital self portrait, I photoshopped in my favorite book and left my reporter notebook and a few Christmas decorations (my favorite holiday) in the image. 

Why is this considered a piece of art? 

This is considered a piece of art because I have communicating emotion and personality through a medium. My medium in this case is photography and Photoshop. I have creatively shown who I am through my work. 

What is the composition of the piece?

The composition of the main image is centered and asymmetrical. The cubby dividing the two desks is centered in the middle of the image with one desk on each side. One computer is lit up and the other is not and each desk has different decorations, which add to the asymmetry of the image. 



Leading Lines

Asymmetrical Balance

Leading Lines


Leading Lines



Rule of Thirds