Theme Project #1

This is my theme project. In this project I decided to take pictures of different food items. The reason why I took this picture was because I love taking pictures of these things so I figured I could make their pictures in to advertisements or commercials.

Shutter Speed: 1/1250th

F-Stop: 5.6

Lighting: Studio Lights and Window

Composition: Center and Simplify

Shutter Speed: 1/250th

F-Stop: 11

Lighting: Studio Lights

Composition: Rule of Thirds, Center and Simplify

Shutter Speed: 1/250th

F-Stop: 11

Lighting: Studio Lights

Composition: Simplify, Contrast and Rule of Thirds

Shutter Speed: 1/640th

F-Stop: 5.6

Lighting: Studio Lights

Composition: Rule of Thirds

Rose's World

Shutter Speed: 1/640th

F-Stop: 5.6

Lighting: Studio Lights

Composition: Rule of Thirds and Contrast