Famous Photography Project

Facts About Nigel Barker

~ Nigel Barker was born on April 27, 1972 in London, England.

~ Nigel went to boarding school when he was younger to study science.

~ Nigel got entered into a modeling competition contest by his mother and that contest ended up starting his modeling career. He continued with it for 10 years until he finally left because he didn't like how the modeling had changed.

~ After his fashion career he realized that he wanted to take fashion photographs. After his time with modeling he decided that he would still have a part of it with him.

Photos By Nigel Barker:

Photos From Nigel Barker to Recreate:


The composition in this picture is center and portrait. Which is the same as the picture that I took of Ava. Here the model is in center and it is a picture with her face represented.


The light in this picture was controlled by studio lights. The studio lights that they used are much more expensive so the lights don't look as similar.


Some of the similarities in this picture was that they were both in the same positioning. They both had their hands more specifically in the same positioning and they are both sitting down. They also have a similar background which is a white type of color. Something else that they also have in common is that they both have their hair back and in a similar style.


Some of the differences that they have is that they both have different shirts. The model has a striped v-neck and Ava has a plain shirt on with no v-neck. Something else that is different is that their heads are both going different ways. Ava's head is going towards her hands and the women's goes away from her hands.


One of the compositions is portrait because they are both pictures of people and are of their faces. Something else that is in this picture is center because the model is in the center of the screen and so is Ava.


The light in this picture is coming from the left of Ava and is controlled by the studio lights.


The composition in this picture is portrait because it is a portrait of Nigel's model. It is also center because all focus is on the model.


The light in this picture is controled by studio lights. The studio lights that they used are a little different which is what gives off the shadows in the corner.


Some of the similarities in this picture is that they are both in a similar position. They are both facing the side and have their heads tilted towards the camera. Something else that is similar is that they both have a gray background with a controlled light in the building. One last thing that was similar was that they both had their hair in a similar position.


One of the differences between the two photos is that Ava and Nigel's model both have two different types of shirts. The model is wearing a turtle neck that is a light brown color but Ava is wearing a pink shirt that is loose near the neck. The model's shirt is much tighter causing the hair to look a little different also. However we made it work and it looked similar still.


The composition is portrait and also centered because it is a picture of her face and all focus is on Ava.


The light that is being controlled in this picture is studio lights and help to give off a nice shine on Ava.


The composition here is center, portrait and rule of thirds. Center because the model is on center. Then portrait because it is a picture of Nigel's model. Then finally rule of thirds because the car in the background is touching and following the rule of thirds format.


The light in this picture from Nigel is being controlled by the sun. The sun helps to give a shine coming from the top left corner.


Some of the similarities are that they are both in a similar position. They both have the hip popped out and are leaning the opposite way as their hip. Something else that is similar is that they both have cars in the background. 


One of the differences between the two is that Ava has a hat on her head that is a little different from the models hat. Something else that is a little different is that Nigel's model is in the city but Ava is at the school with not as much traffic or buildings in the background. Something else that is a little different is that Ava has lighter close on then the woman. However also they both have different pairs of shoes.


The composition in this picture is center and also portrait. The center is because she is in the center of the image and portrait because it is a picture of Ava.


The light is controlled by the sun in this image. The sun is giving off light from the top corner and has similar light to the model's picture.


The composition here is symmetrical, portrait, and center. The center is because the girl is in the middle of the picture. It is symmetrical because their are flowers on both sides of her. Finally portrait because it is a picture with the girl in the focus and main point.


The light here is controlled by the sun that is shining over the girl from the top. It gives the girl a nice light to shine down on her.


Some of the similarities is that they are both sitting in the grass with something in the grass around them. Something else that is similar is that they are both sitting in a similar position.


Something that was different between the two was that Nigel's model had flowers around her and in her hair. However Kaylee had leaves around her and one in her hair. Something else that was different was that there weren't woods behind Kaylee but there were woods behind Nigel's model. Another thing that is different is that the model is wearing boots but Kaylee is wearing sneakers.


One of the compositions in this image is that they are both center and also are both portraits because the girl and Kaylee are in the middle of the picture and also they are both pictures of them.


The light in this picture is being controlled by the sun. The sun is giving off a light that helps to shine on Kalyee during this picture.

Nigel Barker Poster:

Nigel Barker Poster

To the left is my famous photographer project of Nigel Barker. Here is where I put some of my photos that I recreated alongside some of the ones Barker took. Both of these pictures were my favorites and the ones that were the most accurate to the original.