Man Ray Famous Photographers

Man Ray, Self Portrait, Late 1920s.

Three Heads, Marcel Duchamp & Joseph Stella, 1920

Untitled, 1920

Untitled Rayograph, 1922. 

Objet à détruire, 1923.

Lee Miller, 1930

Composition: Portrait, the faces of the models are the most noticeable feature, and they both have an easily detectable relaxed look.

Light: Controlled with studio light.

Similarities: Both pictures were taken at a side angle. Both models are looking straight ahead of them, and their heads are not tilted left/right or up/down. Both of their faces are also a little more illuminated.

Differences: The model in my photo has a shirt on that does not expose her collarbone, and she is not wearing lipstick. She also has an earring in,  as well as longer hair. Man Ray's photo also has a unique appearance making the photo seem like it is textured.

Composition: Portrait, the faces of the models are the most noticeable feature, and they both have an easily detectable relaxed look.

Light: Artificial ceiling light.

Kiki de Montparnasse, Noire et Blanche, 1926

Composition: Asymmetrical Balance, one side of the photo has a real person's face laying sideways and the other has a mask upright.

Light: Controlled with artificial studio light.

Similarities: Both models are holding a mask. There is a medium toned background and the table is also medium toned. The models are resting the right side of their faces on the table. Their left shoulder and hand are fully visible. Their eyes are closed and their hair is pulled back.

Differences: The mask is a simpler version than Ray's.  The background also has a unique pattern instead of it being plain. The model in my photo is wearing a sweatshirt.

Composition: Asymmetrical Balance, one side of the photo has a real person's face laying sideways and the other has a mask upright.

Light: Two artificial studio lights. 

Les Larmes, 1932

Composition: Asymmetrical Balance, the beads and angle of the photo are asymmetrical. Filling the Frame, there is very little negative space or background.

Light: Controlled with artificial studio light.

Similarities: Mascara is applied to darken the lashes in both pictures. Both models are looking to the upper left and there are objects on their faces in the same spots. In both images the picture is not completely straight, but diagonal from left to right.

Differences: The model in Man Ray's photo has what appears to be glass or some other type of clear bead. However in my photo I used clear buttons.

Composition: Asymmetrical Balance, the buttons and angle of the photo are asymmetrical. Filling the Frame, there is very little negative space or background.

Light: Artificial ceiling light above model.

Woman with Long Hair, 1929

Composition: Contrast, the brightness of the hair and complexion on both models contrasts with the background.

Light: Controlled with artificial studio light

Similarities: They both have their eyes closed and they also have a neutral expression on their face. Both photos have a dark background. They appear upside down to let their hair flow and their hair is light colored (blonde).

Differences: My model is wearing a sweatshirt in the photo, her roots are also darker. The lighting in Man Ray's photo is coming from the bottom right of his photo, while mine is right above the model. The model in Man Ray's photo is laying on something like a table, while mine is on a tarp on the floor.

Composition: Contrast, the brightness of the hair and complexion on both models contrasts with the background. Birds Eye, the picture was taken above the model with the camera pointing down at her.

Light: Artificial ceiling light above model.