

Shutter Speed: 1/400

F-Stop: F8.0

Composition: Short Depth of Field, "Stop-Action".

A stop-action photo is when the photographer takes a photo of a moving subject with a fast shutter speed. This allows the camera to seemingly freeze the subject in time, stopping the action.


Shutter Speed: 1/40

F-Stop: F8.0

Composition: Centered, "Blurred".

A blur photo is taken when the photographer presses the shutter and keeps the camera as still as possible (with equipment) while the subject is moving.


Shutter Speed: 1/30

F-Stop: F8.0

Composition: Simplify, Centered, "Panning".

A panning photo is taken when the photographer has a hand held camera, and they follow the movement of the subject as they press the shutter and take the picture.