Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Is seeking counseling a sign of weakness?
Of course NOT! None of us are free from problems. We all come face to face with all sorts of challenges. Seeking professional help can be a turning point in our lives. Counselling is also about self improvement.
Anyone can go for counselling. Each of us meets problems somehow or rather during our life time.
Human are social beings. We need someone to walk us through the difficult time in life. Seeking professional help doesn’t mean that you are weak. In fact, it means that we are responsible enough to do something about our problems.
2. Can anyone find out I am in counseling?
No. We assure confidentiality for the information that you share during counselling sessions. But there are some exceptions/limitations to confidentiality. Please feel free to approach us for detailed explanation.
3. What can I talk about?
Anything that you feel it is disturbing your daily activities.
4. Do I have to lie on a couch and answer questions, just like in the movies?
Not all counselling requires lying on a couch. In fact, most of them don’t. There is no specific rule about the seating arrangement as long as the client feel comfortable and safe enough to express him/herself.
5. Do I have to pay anything?
No, counselling session is free of charge.