The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

My Personal Definition of being Professional: In my opinion being professional is being someone who is above the ordinary and gives off special qualities/skills.  It also means that you are constantly watching your actions and knowing how to well behave in many different situations.

My Future Plan & Career Statement

I aim to become someone who can be of good example and service to others. As a coach/teacher, my goal is to help individuals that are part of the team to reach their full potential in not only the sport they are in, but in other aspects of life like their education, and personal lives. To be able to make that a possibility, I will go to Colorado Mesa University to study Sports Management. 

Goals I set for myself 

Soft Skills that I focused on 

Final Presentation 




Current Experience 

I interned at Columbine Middle School my second semester of my senior year at MHS. During that time, I was able to learn and develop certain skills that are necessary to have as a teacher/coach such as leadership, communication, empathy, etc. I also learned more about the position of a teacher and the responsibilties that are involved with such job. 

What I Learned:

Reflective Essay
