The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • time & work management

  • career literacy

  • grit and resilience

  • work ethic; dependable and reliable

My Personal Definition of being Professional: In my opinion being professional is being someone who is above the ordinary and gives off special qualities/skills. It also means that you are constantly watching your actions and knowing how to well behave in many different situations.

Career Q&A

Career Question #1:

  • What is your name?

Answer #1:

  • "My name is Rika Donnegan."

Career Question #2:

  • Where do you work?

Answer #2:

  • "I work at the Accounting Department for Montrose Regional Health."

Career Questions #3:

  • How did you get the job?

Answer #3:

  • "Divine Opportunity... Someone else that was in the department was retiring and the director offered me the position."

Career Question #4:

  • What does your company look for when hiring new employees?

Answer #4:

  • "Those who are service oriented, those who are given to research and who are given to look over analytics.. those who have commitment to the projects that they do."

Career Question#5:

  • How can I develop those skills?

Answer #5:

  • "Be inquisitive, be curious to want to learn and grow those skills."

Career Question #6:

  • What do you like most about your job?

Answer #6:

  • "I Like the ability to work amongst a team of very dedicated individuals who are honed in their skills... to adapt to my environment and learn amongst those individuals. Also to be able to problem solve on a daily basis."

Career Question #7:

  • What do you least like about your job?

Answer #7:

  • "The amount of paper work and documents that flows through ones hands in this department, that if your not careful and organized with them, it can become a great problem."

Career Question #8:

  • How do you deal with stress in your job?

Answer #8:

  • "Breathing, walking, taking breaks.. if things become to challenging I usually just listen to music to help me regulate through those stressors."

Career Question #9:

  • What do you think are the keys to success?

Answer #9:

  • "From my personal experience, I would say dedication, commitment, focus, persistence, communication, team orientedness and hard work."

Career Question #10

  • If you could give me one piece of career advice, what would it be?

Answer #10:

  • "Be opened to opportunities, to different processes, to different perspectives because it's only going to cause you to be better; it will allow you to have an understanding on a greater scale."

My Future Plan & Career Statement

My goal is to become someone that can be of service to others. More specifically in the Finance field, where I could help families and indivduals know how to manage and invest their finances properly. To do this, I would have to go to college to major in Finance, so that I could learn and develop the skills that are necessary for me to be able to be a financial advisor.

Internship Overview

Edited Internship Promo Video

Goals I set for myself

  • To understand the job better: observing everything that the workers do and asking them questions about it and how it's important to the worksite.

  • Time Management: learn how to arrive on time to the worksite and to know how to manage my time properly with the tasks that I was put to do.

  • Develop my technology skills: use technological equipment such as computers, printers, etc, as much as I can, and understand how they're used in the department.

Soft Skills that I focused on

  • Teamwork

  • Responsibility

  • Professionalism

  • Positive Attitude

  • Communication

  • Focus

  • Confidence

Final Presentation



Current Experience

I interned at the Montrose Regional Health Department for the first semester of my senior year in the High School. During my time interning there, I have learned many things such as accounting positions and their roles in the department, developed my knowledge about accounting in the medical department, etc.

What I Learned:

Reflective Essay
