Become A Sponsor

The 2023 season has begun and we need sponsors! Become A Sponsor to help support the team and earn great rewards. All donations are Tax Deductible

We are so glad that you have decided that you would like to sponsor our team. We have designed our sponsorship system to be as simple as possible. We currently have multiple ways for you to donate to allow you to pick the one that works the best for you.


You can visit our online donation portal to give online or pledge for multiple years. As of September 2020, this is the fastest way for us to give you information to deduct the donation from your taxes.

2. Submit a Check

Sometimes donating online just won't work. In this case, Checks can be made out to "MHS Technology Club". Please Contact Us to submit your check so that we can gather the appropriate information to process your sponsorship.

3. Donate Supplies

Do you run a super cool business and think that some of your product would help us build super cool robots? Shoot us an email! We would be happy to discuss a sponsorship.

Want to support the team in style? Check out the 2020 Mamaroneck Robotics Merchandise Lineup. All proceeds go to supporting our work, plus you get some cool swag.