Global Ultimatum

Global Ultimatum aims to make real change through fun games

By playing with your friends, brainstorming ideas  of how to make the world a better place, those ideas can become a reality 



Global Ultimatum is a role-playing game, i.e. a tabletop RPG, that gets players working together to solve the UN's global goals in a fantasy world. Our goal is to reach out to the politically disinterested and those who don't know where to start to inspire change and political engagement. Through our sustainably printed rule book and the digital version, we want to reach out to all young people who are eager to play.


The game is available to purchase through this link

500kr for the whole game (shipping details come through email) 


Explore the map!

Global Ultimatum is jam-packed with intricate world building. Some places are full of joy, 

others... not so much

Create a fun and 

unique character 

The character creation is one of the most unique features of the game! It really shows the games racialist take, having cheater sheets modeled after birth certificates as well as a stat-system custom made to even out the playing field while highlighting the true power imbalance. 

Challenge authority! 

You can interact with any political leaders and/or public organizations to aid in your quest! With 20 established presidents and 13 unique organizations, everything is possible

Make the world a better place 

On your quest, you will encounter realistic situations, challenging your mind and entire world view. Remember what you can do while playing, you might come up with steller plans that could save millions of lives!


Gather your party  

Play Global Ultimatum 

Global Ultimatum is an experience to be shared! 

By joining together with your friends you will have a blast in figuring out ways to deal with real issues by coming up with real solutions. 

Together we can create a safe world for everyone

Creating a sustainable world is not a one man job

And it's way more fun with friends


The game is a table-top RPG rated PG13 and can host up to 6 players

The rule book will be sold with character sheets as well as maps 

Books purchased on release-day will also come with free dice to get you started!

Globla Ultimatum is brought to you by Ultimatum games

Available in hard cover 



And online!

New games are in the works!

We are working on bettering Global Ultimatum as well as starting some new projects! Feel free to join our community for updates 

Contact us