Frequently Asked Questions 

What does "tabletop RPG" mean?

"Tabletop" refers to the fact that it's a physical map and not a virtual game. 

"RPG" stands for Role Playing Game and means that during the game, the players will take on rolls that  they will act as throughout the game 

How do the rules work?

Note: the rules are explained in detail under the chapter "Rules" in the book as well as shown in action on our YouTube. 

The rules differ from your typical D&D, but we still have a D20-base, meaning that successful actions are determined by a D20 dice roll. This means that when you, acting as your character want to make an action, searching for example, you are to roll a 20 sided die. 

If the dice number + your relevant stats < 10, your throw was unsuccessful and the action failed. 

If it's 10, the action is successful to varying degrees. 

If it's 20, the action is done with so much finesse that the character is aided further than they initially intended. 

Why is it PG13?

Mentions of violence, sex, drugs and other harsh realities will appear

The gaming experience is extremely customizable and can be suited for anyone's desire to avoid certain topics, though it is important to note that the game aims to make you uncomfortable and truly see the horrors some people live as their daily lives. The real world isn't just sunshine and rainbows, which is why we have to work together to make it safer, happier, stronger and most of all, equal. 

What's the difference between the editions?

Price, mainly but also quality and accessibility. All editions come with the same content. 


Hardcovers are sturdy and will last long, which also means that they cost a lot to produce 

Pockets are easy to carry and relatively cheap, but their spines tend to be weaker and are prone to cracking 

Magazines are the cheapest to produce and the low quality is noticeable, but still perfectly usable for playing the game!

Any lastly, using a digital version is the cheapest and can be the most convenient if your party isn't gathered and instead are playing through video chat. 

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