Feel free to copy the URL from YouTube and share these videos with your students through Google Classroom or your own Sites!

Scroll through the Doc --->

to see a few of Google Meet's new layout features!

Want to read the article from Google Support?

Click HERE

Or would you rather watch a quick video?

Click HERE

New Google Meet Layout
Securing your Meet infographic

How to Access Archived Classroom materials

How to access assignments from a Classroom that's been archived - works even if you were the co-teacher!


  • Remember to tell your students that they should not be unenrolling from any Classrooms!

  • If they do, you will lose access to their work and will not be able to finish giving them a grade!

UPDATE Feb 2021: What happens to an archived class?

  • It’s placed in a separate area to preserve the class materials, student work, and posts. You won’t see it with your active classes on the Classes page.

  • You and your students can view an archived class. To use the class again, you have to restore it.

  • You and your students can still access any class materials in Google Drive. That includes any attachments for assignments or other student work.

  • Students can’t unenroll from an archived class. This can limit how students can manage the classes they’re done taking.

Scroll Down for more helpful tutorials on Google Classroom and Google Meet!

Changing Quick Access

Want parents to knock before entering your Google Meet for conferences - here's how!

Make a Copy of your Google Classroom

No need to recreate your entire classroom! Now you can make a copy, and all of your assignments will be saved as drafts! Check it out!

Print your Classroom Gradebook

Print a hardcopy of Classroom grades to easily transfer them to Aspen

Adding assignments in Google Classroom

Video for students

Classroom Notifications.mp4

Classroom - Comments & Notifications