Hudson High Recap Slides

HHS Snack & Solve Recap

Quinn Middle School Recap Slides

QMS Snack & Solve
S&S Leaving Feedback in Classroom
Google Classroom Training


Shoot me an email and we can set up a time to go over Comment Banks and/or leaving audio or video commentary in Classroom!

Avoiding Plagiarism

Check out this Slides Presentation for information on Originality Reports in Google Classroom, some resources for building great research skills and how to include digital Citizenship concepts into your existing lessons!

S&S 1-13 Presentation

QMS Snap Slides Presentation

QMS S&S Snap Slides

Scroll through the Slides to review SnapSlides and how they can be used across different content areas!

Using Google Forms for Quizzes

This is a long video - use the time stamps in the description to jump around to the parts you need

Using Google Forms for Quizes
Uploading Screencastify videos and setting captions
Screencastify notecards


Tips & Tricks for Anchor Hyper-Doc

Quizlet CheatSheet

Quizlet Tip Sheet