CDC: Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

CDC resources for managing stress & anxiety for parents, students, first responders, and those recovering from quarantine

National Association of School Psychologists

A guide for parents to talk to children about the coronavirus (provided in multiple languages)

NPR: What Kids Want to Know about the Coronavirus

A comic outlining what kids want to know about the corona virus presented in an easy-to-understand format

Calm app: guided exercise

A guided YouTube video outlining the 5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness exercise aimed at reducing anxiety and grounding you to the present moment.

YouTube Video: Weightless by Marconi Union

Neuroscience says that listening to this song can reduce anxiety by up to 65 percent.

YouTube Video: Guided Imagery for Teens

A 15-minute guided imagery video for teens utilizing nature scenes and sounds to evoke feelings of calm and reduced levels of stress.

Whole Child Counseling

A variety of apple and android compatible apps for stress relief and relaxation for adults and students

Teachers Pay Teachers: 100 Free Coping Strategies

Use these 100 free coping strategies to help kids and young adults with anxiety, depression, anger, dealing with stress, and more. This resource includes a 2-page printable list of coping strategies.

Family Homeschool Schedule

A daily schedule to help students and families structure work and free time to create a sense of routine and consistency in managing feelings of uncertainty.

Vimeo: Rooted in Love

If there is one video that you watch and then share with your adolescent, friends, and family please make it be this one. During this difficult, confusing, and frightening time, Mike Smith, the host of The Harbor™ by Jostens, takes to the crate to acknowledge the challenges we are all facing during the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. Mike issues a call to action for all of us, in this unprecedented time, to find ways to build community, take care of one another, and stay rooted in love.