Paper 1

Paper 1 Grading Rubric 

Paper 1 examples and tips

paper 1 example

Paper 1 example : calvin and hobbes analysis

Paper 1 example graded by me

Paper 1 example: Liza Donnelly. I've annotated and graded using the rubric.

Tips on unpacking guiding questions- handout given in class.

Donnelly Paper 1 Practice : "I'm Thinking..."

"i'm thinking...." paper 1 practice

Scans of the paper 1 practice completed under exam conditions

donnelly paper 1 notes

Class notes on the things we should have mentionned in our essay

paper 1 rewritten

Rewritten version of my initial paper 1, incorporating the feedback I recieved

chris hemsworth magazine over paper 1

< a paper 1 practice done in class typed on computer, done in 1h20min.

This paper 1 practice has been an important part of my learning experience in english language and litterature SL, because its the first time I create a paper 1 with a focused and organised plan.

I used my experience in french language and litterature HL to guide me ; the structure of this essay and the methodology for analysis and planning imitates the structure I learned in french class, with some modifications to fit the regulations for English essays.