Resources for ePortfolios and Student Led Conferences 

Student eportfolios and student-led parent conferences are effective for student learning because they provide opportunities for students to reflect on their learning and take ownership of their educational experiences.
Here are some specific reasons why these practices are effective:

1. Reflection: Eportfolios and student-led conferences provide opportunities for students to reflect on their learning, which is an important component of metacognition. When students reflect on what they have learned and how they have grown over time, they become more self-aware and better able to set goals for themselves.

2. Personalization: Eportfolios allow students to showcase their work and interests in a personalized way, which can increase their engagement in learning. By creating a digital record of their learning journey, students can make connections between different subjects and see the relevance of what they are learning to their own lives.

3. Collaboration: When students lead parent conferences, they are encouraged to collaborate with their peers and teachers to prepare for the presentation. This collaboration fosters a sense of community and encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning.

4. Communication: Student-led conferences provide opportunities for students to practice communication skills, including speaking, listening, and presenting. By sharing their work and ideas with others, students become more confident and articulate communicators.

5. Parent involvement: Finally, student-led conferences involve parents in the learning process, which can increase their engagement and support for their child's education. When parents see the progress their child has made over time and hear about their goals for the future, they are better able to support their child's learning at home.

Tech Talk on Creating Digital Portfolios Using Adobe Creative Cloud Express and Google Sites

Digital Portfolios I - Tech Talks III.mp4

Tech Talk on a Digitial Portfolio URL Collection & Display Styems to More Easily Collect & Track Student ePortfolios

Digital Portfolios II - URL Collection System - Tech Talks III.mp4

2023 Tech Talk on Student Led Conferences and ePortfolios with Google Sites

Student Led Conference and ePortfolios with Google Sites.mp4

Google Slides presentation for the Tech Talk on e-Portfolios and Student Led Conference

SLC and E-Portfolios