Raider I

Mission for Raider I

Our long endeavor started from a simple spark of an idea, to apply S.T.E.M. principles to a vehicle that will be launched into space. Our High Altitude Balloon (HAB) was promptly named Raider I after our school’s mascot. Raider I, from its initial idea to the results, was a long and bumpy process. It carried multiple experiments and data collecting devices ranging from GoPro cameras to temperature sensors and even a flight computer. Through this data and other on-board experiments we are able to prove and discover phenomena critical the the sustainment of life such as measuring ozone at different altitudes.

The data collected by the flight computer concluded that the Raider I reached an altitude of 33,430 meters (upper level the ozone layer). At this elevation, atmospheric pressure is quite low (approximately 200 pascals) and provided us with an abundance of data that has helped shape our understanding of the atmosphere.

With this information, we will not only continue to pursue Project Horizon missions but also expand its reach through increasing community involvement. Our simple idea spiraled into something we would never have thought we would be doing. However through teamwork, learning, and leadership we are having an amazing experience and hope you find it just as interesting as we do.

flight details

Mission Status: COMPLETE