KHS Course Offerings

Please use the collapsible titles below to explore Kaiserslautern HS's SY23/24 courses

Course selection sheets, by grade level, can be found below the course descriptions.

Please contact your school counselor with questions


Freshman Academy Courses

Mathematics Courses

Science Courses

3.0 credits required for graduation

Biology (graduation requirement)

Chemistry (graduation requirement)

Physics (graduation requirement)

(general elective credits)

CTE Pathway Courses

1.5 credits required for graduation // 0.5 credit in Computer Technology CTE course required for graduation (2.0 total) **=meets Computer Technology credit

1, 2, or 3-hour options for SENIORS only. Application process required - see your counselor for more information.

Management Foundations & Marketing & Entrepreneurship (Year 1)

Business Law (Year 2)

Business & Personal Finance & Spreadsheet/Database** (Year 3)

Culinary I & II (Years 1 & 2)

Education I - II** - III (Years 1-3)

Computer Support Services** (Year 1)

Coding I* & II** (Year 2)

CyberSecurity** (Year 3)

Digital Media** & Digital Imaging** (Year 1)

Video Communication I** (Year 2)

Digital Publishing** & Web Design** (Year 3)

Principles of Engineering** (Year 1)

Robotics Engineering** (Year 2 option) /or/

Gaming Technology I** & II** (Year 2 option) /or/

Engineering/Computer Animated Design (CAD)** (Year 2 option)

Engineering Design & Development** (Year 3)

Air Force JROTC I - II - III - IV (Years 1-4)

Coding I** & II** (Year 1)

Java Programming I** & II** (Year 2)

AP Computer Science Principles+** /or/ AP Computer Science A+** (Year 3)

Video Communications I** - II** - III** (Years 1-3)

Health / Physical Education Courses

General Elective Courses

5.0 credits required for graduation (see other content areas for more general elective credits; additional credits over required in other content areas count towards general elective credits)

Virtual School Courses

The DVHS Supplemental Option offers students currently enrolled in a DoDEA high school the opportunity to take one or two virtual school classes to supplement the courses available at their brick and mortar DoDEA school. The DVHS Supplemental program offers all DoDEA required courses in addition to World Languages and Career & Technical Education (CTE) electives. Course Offerings

DVHS Summer School Program is designed for students to complete the equivalent of one-semester course credit. The program traditionally provides students an opportunity to earn original credit or to replace a failing grade. For the 2021 Summer School session, students who attended DVS full-time in 2020-21 with five or fewer classes will be allowed to take up to two-semester credits (equaling 1 full credit) in summer school. Some limitations apply.

Beginning SY23-24, DoDEA will NOT be offering a full-time Virtual High School option.

course request sheets

10th grade course selection sheet SY22-23.pdf


Course Request Sheet

11th grade course selection sheet SY22-23.pdf


Course Request Sheet

12th grade course selection sheet SY22-23.pdf


Course Request Sheet

Freshman Course Request Sheet can be found on the Freshman Course Catalog page