All R.A.I.D.E.R Ready students will be:





Tardy Policy:

  • Students should be in their desk/in the room ready to work when class starts

  • Tardies will be recorded in ASPEN

  • Students who are tardy three or more times will be referred to administration

  • 3 or more tardies = after school detention or Saturday detention

  • Additional detention noted for each new tardy

Restroom Policy:

  • A2 and B2 will have designated bathrooms for student use

  • All students must sign out of the neighborhood prior to using the bathroom

  • Neighborhood sign-out sheets will be posted at neighborhood entrances

  • Students are highly encouraged to use the restroom during passing time to limit learning interruptions

  • Wash your hands

Computer Policy:

  • Be responsible digital citizens

  • All students are responsible for remembering computer login information

  • Return all computers to the correct cart and plug them in properly using proper sanitizing procedures.

Lunch Policy:

  • A2 and B2 neighborhoods are reserved exclusively for freshmen

  • Cleanliness is a priority and students are responsible for their own trash

  • Computers must be returned to the appropriate cart prior to the end of lunch using proper sanitizing procedures.

Additional Norms:

  • Backpacks will be kept in lockers throughout the school day

  • Earbuds must be removed prior to entering the neighborhood

  • Cell phones should be kept out of sight unless otherwise instructed by the teacher