Grades reflect the mastery of content standards. The purpose of report card grades are for teachers to communicate student progress towards a goal or mastery with parents and students.

Students are expected to turn in every assignment; zeroes will not be permitted. Students have an after-school study period – RAIDER Ready Time – available to make up work or study. ASPEN Gradebook will show "MSG" which counts as a zero until the assignment is turned in. Students should expect to attend a study club either after school or at lunch, and each day afterward, to complete the work.

Students will be allowed to retake a quiz or test and redo an assignment for full credit with the approval of the teacher. All attempts of the assignment will be documented in GradeSpeed, however, the student will earn the highest grade.

Students who plagiarized or cheated on assignments will receive an "MSG" until the student has produced authentic work following above procedures. These students will be referred to administration.

Students who have questions or concerns about their grade should speak with the teacher who assigned the grade.