Third Grade

3rd Grade (San-nen-sei)

(25 Aug 20 - till the end of SY 2020-2021)

  1. Greeting)

  2. Birthday

  3. Sumo Wrestler's Ranking

  4. . Review all Japanese words and songs

  5. Exit Ticket

(2 Jun 20 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Phrase of the day

  4. Sumo Ranking

  5. Tamago Umaretate Game

  6. Soroban

  7. Review Songs and words

  8. Exit Ticket

(26 May 2020.-)

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Egg just got born Game

  4. Soroban (6)

  5. Review songs and words

  6. Exit ticket.

(19 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Gomi no hi

  4. Review songs and words

  5. Exit Ticket.

(12 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Phrase of the day

  4. Review how to say I want to go to___.

  5. Soroban (5)

  6. Songs and words

  7. Exit Ticket

(5 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Phrase of the day

  4. Review Country name G20 (I want to go to _______ )

  5. Soroban (4)

  6. Review Songs and words

  7. Exit Ticket.

(28 Apr 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Phrase of the day

  3. Country Name G20

  4. Soroban (3)

  5. Review Songs and words

  6. Exit Ticket

(21 Apr 2020 - )

  1. Greeting. See Home.

  2. Lunar Month Name. See Home.

  3. 24 Seasons. See Home.

  4. Phrase of the day . See Home.

  5. Soroban (2)

  6. Country name (G8). See below.

  7. Exit Ticket

(14 Apr 2020 - )

  1. Greetings (Beginning of the class)

  2. Phrase of the day. (Days of the week)

  3. Review previous lesson..

  4. Soroban (1)

  5. Complete exit ticket and send.

(31 Mar 2020 - )

1.Please read about Setsubun and Hinamatsuri and answer the questions.Kids-Web-Japan


2. Please review the word of Cherry Blossoms in Japanese through Sakura Song. You Tube Song

3. Please review the word of Clean-up in Japanese through Katazuke Song. You Tube song

Sumo Kakuzuke Ranking Title 22 May 20
Tamago Umaretate Egg just got born.docx
Gomi no hi Garbage Days song, 8 May 20.docx
I want to go song 4 May 20 Ikitai song.docx
国名country name, 10 Apr 20.docx
国名country name, G20 besides G8 11Apr 20.docx
Japanese Culture Review Revised about Setsubun and Hina-matsuri.docx