Fifth Grade

5th Grade (Go-nen-sei)

(24 Aug 2020 - till the end SY 2020-2021)

  1. Sumo Actions before match.

  2. Review allJapanese words and songs

  3. Exit Ticket

(5 Jun 2020 - for 29 May 2029 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Sumo Ranking

  4. Review Temperature Conversion

  5. Soroban

  6. Number game

  7. Review songs and words

  8. Exit Ticket

(22 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Temperature Conversion

  4. Review songs and words

  5. Exit Ticket

(15 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Review EU

  4. I went to ______.

  5. Soroban

  6. Review songs and words

  7. Exit Ticket.

(8 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Review G20 (I want to go to _________ )

  4. European Union 27 countries

  5. Number Game

  6. Soroban

  7. Song and words

  8. Exit Ticket

(1 May 2020 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Birthday

  3. Review G20

  4. Soroban

  5. Number Game

  6. Exit Ticket

(24 Apr 20 - )

  1. Greeting

  2. Phrase of the day.

  3. Country Name (G8) + (G20)

  4. Review Songs on Home

  5. Exit Ticket

(27 Mar 2020 - )

1.Please read about Setsubun and Hinamatsuri and answer the questions..


2. Please review the word of Cherry Blossoms in Japanese through Sakura Song.You Tube Song

3. Please review the number 1 - 20 in Japanese for Number game through the paper below and Number song. You Tube Song

4. Please review 24 Seasons through the paper below.

5. Please review phrase of the day through the paper below.

6.Complete Exit Ticket and send.

Sumo Shikiri Actions before match 27 May 20.docx
Sumo Kakuzuke Ranking Title 22 May 20
Sesshi to Kashi Celsius and Fahrenheit formula song 5 May 20.docx
I went to Kentucky song 4 May 20 Ikimashita song.docx

EU-European Union -Oshurengo, 12 Apr il 2020.docx
国名country name, 10 Apr 20.docx

国名country name, G20 besides G8 11Apr 20.docx
Japanese Culture Review Revised about Setsubun and Hina-matsuri.docx