Continuous Improvement of High Quality
K-5 Math Instruction

Why is growing effective instruction in mathematics critical?

Early childhood and elementary mathematics is now framed by the progress of mathematics learning standards, placing stronger focus on problem solving... Despite the progress in mathematics education, an implementation gap persists between the calls for change and the comprehensive actions needed to ensure that high levels of mathematics learning becomes a reality in the lives of each and every child.
~ Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary Mathematics, NCTM, 2021, p. 7

What is high quality math instruction?
"An effective mathematics program requires effective teaching that engages students in meaningful learning through individual and collaborative experiences that promote their ability to make sense of mathematical ideas and reason abstractly." ~From NCTM Principles to Actions, 2014, p. 7

Excellent Instruction
Defined in DoDEA


Guiding Principles for School Mathematics

3-goals-math_europe east.pdf

Europe East District Action Plan Overarching Goals:

  • Effective Tie 1 Instruction (80% of students meet or exceed the standard in Tier 1)

  • Effective Focused Collaboration Teams(FCTs) focused on student data

  • Effective Behavior/Social Emotional Learning (BSEL) supports

Effectively Supporting Students Through Ambitious Teaching

ElementarySMP_poster_V2 - Student Friendly.pdf

Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMPs)


Math Teaching Practices (MTPs)

Professional Learning & Resources
to Support Effective High Quality K-5 Math Instruction

Data Driven Instruction - Coming Soon!

  • Making the Most of the Unit Check-In

  • Making the Most of the End of Unit Assessment

  • Common Formative Assessments (CFAs)

  • Digging Deeper into Modeling & Reasoning