Focus on Fluency

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

NCTM Position: Procedural fluency is an essential component of equitable teaching and is necessary to developing mathematical proficiency and mathematical agency. Each and every student must have access to teaching that connects concepts to procedures, explicitly develops a reasonable repertoire of strategies and algorithms, provides substantial opportunities for students to learn to choose from among the strategies and algorithms in their repertoire, and implements assessment practices that attend to all components of fluency. (NCTM, 2014)

What Is Fluency?

“Wherever the word fluently appears in a content standard, the word means quickly and accurately. It means more or less the same as when someone is said to be fluent in a foreign language. To be fluent is to flow: Fluent isn’t halting, stumbling, or reversing oneself.” From: Presented at DoDEA CCRSM Quarter 1 Training, SY 2016-2017

What Are Necessary Actions?
Why Are They Important?

  1. Conceptual understanding must precede and coincide with instruction on procedure.
    Here is why this is important.

2. Procedural fluency requires having a repertoire of strategies.  
Here is why this is important.


3. Basic facts should be taught using number relationships and strategies, not memorization. 
Here is why this is important.

4. Assessing must attend to fluency components and the learner. Assessments often assess accuracy, neglecting efficiency and flexibility.
Here is why this is important.

NCTM Research Brief - 5 Key Strategies Formative Assessment.pdf