Digital Classroom Hub and Blended Learning

Digital Classroom Hub:

The digital classroom hub is your virtual classroom.  It is a digital platform where your assignments and learning resources are posted daily so that they are accessible by students 24/7. It is best to establish and utilize your digital classroom hub while engaged with in-person teaching & learning. If you do this, the transition between in-person instruction and home digital learning will be much easier.  In addition, in the event that some students in your class may be required to quarantine, your digital classroom hub will make life much easier for both you & your home-bound students.

Digital Classroom Hub Options:

Google Classroom: 
Google classroom provides a platform where classroom assignments and resources can easily be posted on a daily basis. Both students and parents can be provided with updates when assignments and announcements are posted.  Links to other resources can easily be provided; such as, if actual assignments are being posted in Schoology or within a different digital learning tools (e.g., Discovery Education).
Note:  Google Classrooms with rosters will be automatically created at the beginning of the school year. After the first two weeks of school, the automatic creation and updating of Google Classroom rosters will be turned off and must be done manually.
Google Classroom Resources Can be found here.

Schoology is a full fledged learning management system that provides educators with a platform for posting assignments and learning resources. It is accessible only by students and there is currently no means to provide parents with updates when items are posted. However, students are provided with updates and notifications. It is possible for teachers to post assignment lists on a Google Classroom as announcements so that parents are made aware but the actual access to Schoology is limited to students with their DoDEA Google account.  Utilizing Schoology in conjunction with either a Classroom Google Website or with Google Classroom can be very effective.
Schoology Guide

Classroom Google Website (Google Sites):
A classroom website can be a very effective digital learning hub. Both parents and students can have access to assignments and support materials that are posted on a classroom website.  A classroom website often makes it easier for students and parents who need to access learning materials with a mobile devices (cell phone).  Having a combined classroom hub that starts with a classroom Google site and then links to a Google Classroom and/or Schoology site can be extremely effective.
Google Sites Training Resources

This platform is approved for grades K-5 onlySeesaw is a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what's happening in the classroom. Seesaw gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology. Each student gets their own journal and will add things to it, like photos, videos, drawings, or notes.  More information about how to use Seesaw can be found here or contact your elementary school ET.

Google Slides (Bitmoji Classroom):
Another tool that some educators utilize for their classroom hub or daily/weekly classroom agenda is Google Slides. With Google Slides, you can create an interactive main page where students can click on hyperlinks that take them to classroom content. This content could include a daily agenda Google Doc or Google Slide, webpages, or practically any other online content. Bitmoji Classroom Resources

Blended Learning Definition:
A systematic integration of meaningful and engaging real-time with teachers and/or peers (synchronous) and independent, self-paced (asynchronous) online and face-to-face learning experiences that maximize individual students' academic growth for college, career, and life.

How Does Blended Learning Relate to Remote Learning?
A blended learning approach during brick and mortar schooling will provide students with digital tools awareness and skills that will be valuable should we be required to move to remote learning.