Family FAQ

Can my child take the chromebook home?

Yes, it is expected that students in grades 3-12 take their Chromebook home every night and charge the device so that it is ready for learning the next day. Assigning students a dedicated device will facilitate anytime, anywhere learning and allows them to continue their educational activities beyond the classroom. 

can parent opt out of children bringing chromebooks home?

DoDEA has a process for parents to opt their child out from accessing and using classroom technology for most instructional activities and assessments. To the greatest extent possible, the child’s classroom teacher will make accommodations for the student to have alternate technology-free instruction. However, some standardized assessments are only available digitally; thus, the child will need to use technology to complete the standardized assessment. Students with disabilities are permitted accommodations for standardized assessments according to the needs indicated in their IEP or 504 plan.

The school is encouraged to schedule follow up meetings with the family as the year progresses to encourage them to reconsider the value of their student having ongoing access to a device inside and outside of school.

what if my child has no homework and has an after school event? can the chromebook be left at school?

The expectation is that students will bring their Chromebook home every night except in extenuating circumstances. This allows the Chromebook to become fully charged while at home because the classrooms will no longer be equipped to charge most of the students Chromebooks simultaneously.  

what happen if the chromebook gets damaged or stolen?

In the case of accidental damage, please notify the school as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances, the device may be repaired or replaced. If the Chromebook is stolen, it is important to report the incident to the school immediately. We recommend keeping the device in a secure location and following responsible handling practices to minimize the risk of loss or damage.

In the event of damage due to neglect or intentional actions, there may be associated repair or replacement costs. We strongly encourage students to take good care of the device to avoid any unnecessary expenses.​​​​​​​ Schools should enforce accountability as they would any property signed out by a parent as indicated in the Material Management Manual 4100-2 (see Chapter 5).

can my child use their personal device instead of the assigned Chromebook?

The goal of providing gr. 3-12 students their own device  is to ensure all students have the same devices for a standardized learning experience. The assigned Chromebook is specifically configured to meet the educational needs of your child and will have necessary software and applications pre-installed. However, if there are extenuating circumstances, please reach out to the school administration to discuss possible alternatives.

will there be any cost associated with the chromebook?

The Chromebook provided to your child is loaned free of charge for the duration of the academic year. However, in the event of damage due to neglect or intentional actions, there may be associated repair or replacement costs. We strongly encourage students to take good care of the device to avoid any unnecessary expenses.​​​​​​​ Schools should enforce accountability as they would any property signed out by a parent as indicated in the Material Management Manual 4100-2 (see Chapter 5). 

what steps should we take to ensure the chromebook is used safely and responsibly?

We have implemented safety measures and installed federally mandated monitoring software and filters to ensure a secure and responsible digital learning environment. It is essential that parents discuss responsible device usage and online behavior with your child. Encourage them to use the device for educational purposes, follow school guidelines. DoDEA recommends parents reviewing the Student Responsible Use Agreement (Word / PDF) with their child. 

Report any concerns or incidents to their teacher or school administration.

what if my child encounters technical issues with the chromebook?

If your child experiences technical issues with the Chromebook, they should inform their teacher. They will provide guidance or arrange for technical assistance to resolve the issue. It's important for students to promptly report any problems to ensure uninterrupted learning. 

how can i monitor my child's usage and ensure they are using the Chromebook appropriately?

We recommend having open conversations with your child about their online activities and setting expectations for responsible device usage; a good place to start is to review the Student Responsible Use Agreement (Word / PDF)​​​​​​​ with your child. You can monitor their progress by reviewing assignments and projects, discussing their learning experiences, and staying involved in their education. Additionally, you can re-familiarize yourself with the school's policies on acceptable use and internet safety that you reviewed and signed at the beginning of each school year. 

what happens if my child forgets to bring their chromebook to school?

While it is important for students to bring their Chromebooks to school for seamless integration into their daily learning, occasional forgetfulness can happen. In such cases, the school will provide a loaner device or alternate arrangements to ensure minimal disruption to your child's educational experience. However, it's important for students to develop a routine of bringing their Chromebooks to school as a responsibility. 

what happens if my child forgets to bring their chromebook to school charged?

While it is important for students to bring their Chromebooks charged to school, forgetfulness can happen. In such cases, the school will provide a mechanism to charge the student's laptop while in use or a loaner device will be provided. However, it's important for students to develop a routine of charging their Chromebooks nightly.

can my child personalize their chromebook?

While we encourage students to take ownership of their assigned Chromebook, personalization should be limited to non-permanent modifications. Stickers, covers, or decals that do not damage the device are generally acceptable. However, do not alter the internal configuration or remove any school-issued identification labels. 

what happens if my child transfers to another school within dodea?

If your child transfers to another school within DoDEA, they will need to return the Chromebook and will be allocated another Chromebook at their new school.