PBIS Goals and Objectives

PBIS Mission Statement

The mission of the Albritton Middle School PBIS is to foster and promote a safe and positive school environment that enhances student learning through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.

PBIS Goals

Goal 1: Effectively implement the PBIS framework throughout the school with 100% buy-in.

Goal 2: Implement effective office referral process with 100% stakeholder communication by the use of Minor and Major Referral Guidelines.

Goal 3: Establish a program with character education components for ALL STUDENTS.

Goal 4: Establish a referral system and support programs outside of the classroom for students who may be struggling academically, socially, or with special circumstances that require additional supports.

Goal 5: Consistently and continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the program through careful data analysis for decision making.

Goal 6: Develop a procedure to present data to all stakeholders.

PBIS Team SY20-21

Vaughan – Team Lead






Ms. Fulton - Principal

Mrs. Clouse - Assistant Principal

Ms. M. Turner – ISS, Behavior