911 Memorial Museum

Look to at the 911 Memorial website timeline and memorial. Record observations and questions that emerge from your visit here.

StoryCorps 911 memories

StoryCorps has collected stories from survivors and their relatives. We will listen to some of these during class.

Ways We Have Changed Since 911

  • In your small group, review 2017 KQED report on 4 major changes and compare to this 2013 article on changes since 9/11. Take notes on the events/developments you feel are most significant.
  • In 2011, PBS reflected on the ways 911 affected the United States and its people.
  • You can examine the effects of 911 in more detail using a 9/11 article jigsaw. (If we do this in class, print copies will be distributed; you will read and annotate one and then share with your group.)
  • See also this 4 min clip on the Costs of War , which expands our understanding of the impact of 911 from the US to the world, and look over the list of the Illinois Fallen (many of whom died while in service to the US in post-911 operations).

Other Inspiring Stories

Please email to share stories you find, so we can add them below.