dear data

We went for a scary theme, and we first were thinking on what we were going to do for are data. We went for how many thinks we walked on and how many things we had sat down on, Then we recorded how many times we sat on the things listed on are data sheet and put them together and that's how we got the numbers like an a example. One of are teammates sat on bus seat 8 times and an other sat on for 4 times we put the numbers together. After that we started to work on designs and. I came up with the designs then we were thinking who was going to do bus seat and bed, ground, falling, tool, couch and I did then couches and bus seats and the rest was from my teammates.

I'm kind of thinking of are data now I would do something different like how many things we think about or how many things play with or how many things we practice. But I thinking making data with like someone helping you is kind of easy but by your self kind seems hard but also easy.

What surprised me was how many ideas my teammates had for the visualize many things I had some but we went for Jaxon's idea but we still went for that idea. Also something else was that how well we worked together since the first time we worked on a team projects but we worked well.