AP Pre-Calculus


AP Precalculus (aka AP Pre-Calc) is designed to be the equivalent of a first semester college precalculus course. AP Precalculus provides students with an understanding of the concepts of college algebra, trigonometry, and additional topics that prepare students for further college level mathematics courses. This course explores a variety of function types and their applications—polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, polar, parametric, vector-valued, implicitly defined, and linear transformation functions using matrices. Throughout the course, the mathematical practices of procedural and symbolic fluency, multiple representations, and communication and reasoning are developed. Students experience the concepts and skills related to each function type through the lenses of modeling and covariation and engage each function type through their graphical, numerical, analytical, and verbal representations. 


You must have pass Math III to take this course. AP Pre-Calculus is a substitute for the Math IV credit, meaning you do not have to take Math IV if you pass this course. This course is typically available to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, making it a diverse class in terms of grade levels. 

This course is required if you wish to move to a higher-level math such as AP Calculus AB and BC.

*It is important to note that this is the first year that AP Pre-Calculus is offered to any student nation-wide. As such, some colleges may not accept the class for college credit yet. Check the CollegeBoard website to see if your desired college accepts it as credit or not.


AP® Precalculus Course and Exam Description 1.pdf

The AP Pre-Calculus course is partitioned into four units: Units 1, 2, and 3 are required and assessed on the end-of-course AP Exam and provide descriptions of what students should know and be able to do to qualify for college credit or placement. 

Unit 4 describes additional topics that teachers may include based on state or local requirements. The Unit 4 topics extend and deepen the function concepts developed in units one through three. The Unit 4 topics are additional and excluded from the AP Exam.

To the left is a link to a breakdown of the units of AP Pre-Calculus.



There are 40 multiple-choice questions in the first section of the exam.

In total, you will have 2 hours to complete the multiple-choice section.


In this section, you will be given 4 free-response questions or FRQs for short.

Both sections will account for 18.75% of your exam. You will have 1 hour total to complete the FRQs.


Below, you can access Fiveable's AP Pre-Calculus Exam Review! They have a page for each individual topic in the course and covers the essentials that you will need to know for the AP exam.