In Our Club

During our meetings, when we are not working on a project, we are working on developing our classroom skills. The members are in charge of what they want to learn and a plan to provide that knowledge is made. Students have requested to learn everything from how to control a classroom to how to accommodate different students and learning the difference between IEP's and 504's.

Three members of our club, Greg Friedman, Ben Bogues, and Vince Diesta upgraded the word of the week project at our school. They even made headline news!

Danbury News Times

Recently we had the pleasure of having Dr. Goolkasian, a representative from WestConn, come and talk to our club about education. She shared her experiences within the field of education and expressed the importance of our clubs involvement in classrooms. We got to learn about the different paths available to us, the importance of getting a quality education and finding colleges that are the right fit for us, regardless of their name. We are so grateful for the time Dr. Goolkasian has taken to come and talk with us and we are very thankful for the knowledge she has shared with us!

History Lesson Plan

This is a lesson plan created by one of our leaders Emma Sands in her freshman year. Members learned about how to form a lesson plan and create effective engaging activities and the levels of comprehension. Members also learned how to measure the effectiveness of their lesson through assessments. Students taught mini lesson to the rest of the club in order to work on public speaking skills and learning to convey information in various ways to accommodate all learning styles.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on education in many ways. Brookfield is pressuring a hybrid learning style which unfortunately means no club meetings in person. However, FTA is still getting together virtually to discuss our changing learning environment. We are also working on developing a new curriculum for a forensic science class, which was overwhelmingly popular with the student body. We are also working on expanding the word of the week.