Field Trips

"These young men and women demonstrate a commitment to support the learning of future generations. Their outreach work at the middle and elementary schools provides an invaluable experience for them and for the students they meet." - Marc Balanda (Principal at Brookfield High)

FTA makes it a priority to go on field trips to the other schools in the district. Our members are interested in teaching a variety of grades and subjects so we try to provide hands on in classroom experience at a variety of levels. We have been going to Whisconier Middle School for many years, however this year we are making an effort to branch out and supply a wider range of experience for our members. We plan to visit all of the schools in our district and in addition add a few colleges to our list. We hope to visit Western Connecticut State University and the University of Saint Joseph to learn about college education.

The most recent trip FTA took was to Center School Elementary which provides education to children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Fist grade. We spent time in the kindergarten and First grade classrooms observing the teachers and organization of the classrooms. This was the first field trip we took to Center School and it was a great experience for our members who have expressed an interest in elementary education.

On of our Sophomores Ben, reading a story to a Kindergarten class

One of our Freshman Kayla, listening in on partner reading in first grade