Contact Information:

(610) 369-7485 ext. 5004


*Here is a wish list to help get some fun and needed things for our classroom. I truly appreciate your generosity. 

*We can always use tissues as well!

Homework: May 21, 2024

Math: none

Science: Start studying Inv 2 terms- Quiz on 23rd


-Kickball tomorrow : sneakers and black attire for May 23rd


Classroom Links

Google Classroom Codes: 

*****You can use the codes below to join my Google Classrooms.  This will be the main station for all our information. If you are in Mr. Koback's homeroom, I likely have you for math, so join that math class only. Everyone will be in the Science/SS classes. So you should only be joining 2 of the following google classrooms.

Capetola Homeroom and Math: s7b7xqy 

Koback Math with Capetola: q6pjkmv  

Science/SS for All Classes code: gsz2egq  


Mrs. Katie Capetola

5th Grade at Gilbertsville Elementary

Capetola/ Koback Supply List


We will be switching classes this year, for different subjects. This is the list from the 5th Grade teachers. More information will be given to you at Meet the Teacher Night.  You may also check out teacher websites for more information with their individual subject’s class requirements/information.

       Welcome to 5th Grade! Here is a list of items you will be using in class this year. 

◦ earbuds in baggie labeled with name

◦ #2 pencils

◦ dry erase, white board markers

◦ sock or eraser to clean white board

◦ highlighter

◦ post-its

◦ box of tissues

◦ box of colored pencils

◦ daily healthy snack and water bottle

Capetola’s Math/Science/SS: (I suggest color-coding or having the same design for each subject)

2, 3-prong folder with pockets and clips in middle: one for math and one to share for Science/SS

1 or 2 inch 3-ring binder (please no bigger than 2 inches)

1 Composition book used for writing/notetaking in Math


Koback’s ELA:

2 Composition notebooks

1 red folder

1 blue folder

1 yellow folder

Novel- ELA students need to purchase Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate