Peer Leaders

What is Peer Leaders?

Peer leaders  is a community based leadership group mostly run by students who volunteer a total of 10 hours each semester.  We meet once a week (typically 7am Tuesdays) and  frequently collaborates with Student Council and acts as role models to support the school community. Every year, we also participate Relay for Life and run fundraisers to raise money for the American Cancer Society throughout the year.  

What do they do?

Peer Leaders meets once a week (typically 7:00AM on Tuesdays). They also raise money for charities and below are some of the events that Peer Leaders is involved in:

This is Peer Leaders' biggest event. Each Peer Leader raises $100 to be donated! Peer Leaders participates in this, as well as other fun runs for the American Cancer Society.

This takes place at the Westminster Historical Society in August/September.

How to Join

Peer Leaders applications are open to freshman in the fall of each year. To apply, prospective members must submit an application including a personal statement, and complete an interview process. Peer Leaders is a selective club, so unfortunately they are unable to offer everyone a position in the club. New members will be informed once all interviews are complete. 

The club advisor is Mr. Napolitano. Contact his school email if you have questions or are interested in joining Peer Leaders.

Instagram: Peer Leaders