Oakmont Explorer

Welcome to the Oakmont Explorer! Use this space to navigate the amazing co-curricular options offered here at Oakmont!

Why Should You Join a Club?

Get Involved

Not only are clubs super fun and welcoming, they also boost your resume as a future college applicant! Joining a club you're interested in gives you benefits as a student, now AND in the future. Oakmont offers plenty of co-curriculars... it's so easy to find one that's right for you!

Make Friends

Joining co-curriculars that you're interested in will put you with people that have similar interests as yourself. Make new memories and meet new people, all from joining a club!

Be Responsible

Being in after-school activities helps you become a more responsible person! Committing to an activity teaches us to keep promises which benefits us greatly in the long run.

Manage Your Time

Juggling school work can already be stressful and adding a co-curricular may seem overwhelming. Learning to keep an organized schedule of school work and clubs teaches us to better manage our tasks. This will better prepare you for life and aid you to be punctual and on time.

You Get Out Of Oakmont What You Put Into It

As said by Mr. Uminski, "You get out of Oakmont what you put into it!" This holds true when applying to co-curriculars. Participating in after-school activities contributes to the school's overall success in its goal of helping students succeed. When you put in the work to make something better, you can expect results.