Action 2: Interview

After debating what the true issue was, our group began to further our research by interviewing our Health teacher on campus to understand if the health curriculum was the issue or some other factor. 

Mrs. Glabb

Credentialed Health Teacher at 

Loara High School

Mrs. Glabb Interview Transcript


Interview Transcript 

Question 1 

Tell Me About Yourself :)

Question 2

Do you get enough time during the semester to go over all mandatory lessons?

Question 3

Do you believe that students should take two semesters of health rather than one? 

Question 4

Which topic do you believe is most important to go over? Why? Do you teach this topic with more depth than the others? 

Question 5

Are your students engaged in the learning process? How so? If not, how do you think it can be improved? 

Question 6

Based on your experience, do you believe students would understand and value the contents more if it was taught to the upperclassmen? 

Takeaways from the Interview 

After speaking with our qualified health teacher, our group understood that students are the ones who lack to understand the importance of needing to take a health class. If students don't realize the benefits of a health class, this would mean that they aren't aware of the importance of learning the topic of Teen Mental health. This realization had led us to raise this issue to our school districts Superintendent in hopes that he has a way to resolve the problem.