Made with Firefly

240103 ELAR Monster - Vianey Ventura_2_1.mp4

This is a  video of  a monster that I was able to animate in After Effects. The monster was at first an assignment for ELAR  in which we where supposed to draw a creature that its name has lots root words

This is the same monster but in GIF version and i love it.😁

Also created in After Effects.

This is the first Adobe Illustrator thing I made it was very simple and fast and it showed me the basics on how to do stuff on it. Which includes layers and colors.😃

Now this picture in the right is some shapes in which I was just messing around with tools and when I figured out about anchors in Adobe Illustrator.🐣

Now this emoji definitely turned out to be a fail 😭 

I worked on this emoji for 2 days yet this looks not so good. 

I absolutely gave up on the mouth and did whatever i did and called it the FIN of a project.

This emoji definitely did not turn out how I wanted it to turn out, but at least it taught me, not everything I picture in my mind will I be able to do.