Tech Apps

Tech apps is my other tech class and everything your about to see is some of the things i have done


Now this is the first actual like project we did, this was so that we show a poster of some SOAR expectations that we follow at School🌚

The second picture is the same concept but we added some more with a partner(except in my case we had 3 people

Vector Art

Now this is my first thing for vector art. Which i did in google drawings. I will say tough this is a work that I rushed a lot so it isn't my best work but I think it is ok😼( also this was for extra credit)

Holiday Pixal Art

This was also for extra credit but this is pixal art. I did not get any credit for it since I did turn it in late 🤭. 

But either way I had fun doing this stich and  I think it turned out so cute


Once again this was also for extra credit but I made a math header in photoshop, this did not take as long as I expected. I am happy on how it turned out and it gave me extra credit points which is nice.


Once again this was also for extra credit but I made a math header in photoshop, this did not take as long as I expected. I am happy on how it turned out and it gave me extra credit points which is nice.