Made in Adobe Firefly

240126 Simple House Scene Animation Johnny Sibley.mp4

This was the first project we did we created our names in 2d to get the feel of the site and then we created a very easy cube it is only 2 steps you draw a square/rectangle then you use the push pull device to create a 3d model 

This is my video of my  house I created in SketchUp a website that you can create 3D objects we "sketched" the floor/foundation first and then we built on top of that and the details and then we are done they way that we did a video was on screen pal as you can see at the end of the video it is very easy and practical to use it is a good fist website if you want to start making videos 

For this I used the iso view which lets you see 3 sides in one  and idk about you but I kinda like it 

This is my close up picture of my house its okay I like the iso view more then the close up


this is the 10 second video that i worked on after I built the house and I think I did pretty good  we had to make 10 second