ISAIAH GONZALES - Hatchet Mini-Essay 2023

Hatchet Mini-Essay

This was our first writing of 6th Grade, in the beginning of the year we read Hatchet. In the first semester, we wrote a mini essay about it.

ISAIAH GONZALES - Narrative Retelling 2023

Informational Writing and Narrative Retelling - MMM

In one of our tests, we read a story about Monkeys, we had to make a news article about it.

ISAIAH GONZALES - My Persuasive Essay 2023

Persuasive Essay - Should Teens be Able to Work?

We were given the task to read one of many Persuasive Essays then we presented  them in a speech. Later we made an actual essay about our topic.


Memoir - Bored

About 5 years ago, well i was bored, but now I've decided to make it my topic of my memoir. It was that or the other option that I will not list because clearly I am not proud about it.