Blocks For Paint Pot

In MIT App Inventor an simple way to code, which is why it's so highly used. Anyways, Like Scratch (I'm hoping you've heard of it) you code using blocks. Blocks are, well blocks with code in it, pair up certain blocks with others and well you've got a simple line of code. One tip i could give with this is to group up similar blocks to avoid confusion, for example: if your making a bunch of little lines of dialogue and coding it so a magical cheese wizard could cast a spell on your grandfather's toes, line them up in columns, a circle, the shape of a kitty, whatever. This method will avoid confusion and look very professional.

Hello Codi Code

Talk To Me Code

Ball Bounce Code

Digital Doodle Code

Yeah, I know its not a lot of code but that's what you get for putting all your time into Paint Pot. 

(Also Digital Doodle is basically just a demo of Paint Pot)

Anyways, would you want to play my app? If you have an IPhone, THEN TOO BAD! (I mean it does say "Android Apps" at the top so you probably suspected that) The app uses APK which can't run on Apple devices, But if you have an android then go ahead and play it, tell me your thoughts. 

*Note to self: add Google form*