these are some of the emojis I made, I love the mad one because he is so funny looking and I thought it would be cool to add some teeth and a tongue.

This is a character from a video game I play, this was some of my very first vector art.

I figured there would be a lot of Thanos emojis on the internet and I was running out of time for this assignment I also  thought it would be fun because I am a marvel fan  and I am pretty proud of this assignment.

I was challenged to represent emphasis or uniqueness on google drawings.

One of the assignments this year was to  think about how we could survive on Mars, we also took a field trip to a the Scobee center to simulate a mars rover, and these were our group badges.

I accidentally messed up this one because I was trying to do something more complicated.

This is one of the very first vector art projects I have ever done, We call it a sample graphic.