Normally, you'd think making even the most basic of apps could be incredibly difficult, however, you're wrong! DATA 6th grade has been working on our own custom apps for quite some time now, and it's really simple! Here's a small amount of the code for my painting sub-app in the main app!

Scan this QR code for the download on android devices, THIS QR CODE DOES NOT WORK FOR APPLE DEVICES, ONLY USE THIS FOR ANDROID.

This app isn't fully complete, but will be in the near future.

We used simple, yet can be very complex, blocks to make each page.

This is the apple download, it will take you to the apple app store for the free download! I've been working on this iOS mode for quite some time at home now, and it was definitely a challenge to get this to run on iOS.

I'm working on a iPadOS compatable mode along side this currently.