We also work on 3D Models! We've only recently started making them at the time I'm writing this (1/30/2024). We've been using SketchUp, a program developed by Google but sold to a different program, that can be used to make 3D models!


Custom Model spinning through space

This is a custom model I made using SketchUp, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and Blender.

This is the first ever 3D model collection group thing that we did. It featured as you can see, 4 squares and writing our name. These were all created in Sketchup, an online program that can create 3D models in a very easy to learn space!

This is the house prototype that we worked on before the painted version.

This is the painted house that I've been working on for the past week or two. We used a assortment of textures and real building techniques, contrasting the colors.

240129 Painted house scenes 1080p Rowan Bingaman.mp4

This is the animated house, a simple rotation we're doing around the house

240214 House Spin 10 sec Rowan Bingaman0001-0300.mp4

This is the 90 frame render of the house in Blender. It was interesting to make it and see the different styles of the house animation. 

240214 House Spin 10 sec Rowan Bingaman0001-0300.mp4

This is the 300 frame render of the house in Blender. It was interesting to make it and see the different styles of the house animation. We had the option of a REALLLLLY basic looking animation, this one, or a UHD animation that takes years to download! Joking, but it does take a while to download and requires a grahics card.