Hallo!! This is my android apps page. 

Welcome to my Android Apps page! This is the place for programs with codes and apps you can actually use! These apps include stuff like HelloCodi, Paint Pot, and special apps. There will be a QR code to download it. We are using MIT App Inventor for this FINAL project.

So far, I have my logo and app working well. In total, I'll have at least 4-5 applications on there to use. 

I'll list what they are:




o----o  |O


    ____                    ____

//          \\//        \\

||                                ||

  \ \                              //

       \\                     / /

            \ \           //

                 \\  //

I also have my app buttons listed below. I even made my own coloring page!

*This also includes drafts, logos, and older designs. Oh! I also made these in Adobe photoshop.

WOAH! Custom Apps?

Yup! I tried making 2 custom apps to be along with my begginner apps! This is the home screen currently, you can see that one of the buttons doesn't have a custom image. That's kinda in the works.

Kute Wirld

This is one of my custom apps. Yes, it was supposed to be a cookie clicker type of thing. But this never worked out. Then I thought "What about like a 8-ball fruit picker?" never. So thus, it became one of those NPC things. SO BLEHHH NOT MY THING


The name was because you smack something and I used a canvas. This game is supposed to be where you beat up a dummy, flinging your boxing glove around. This is my secong favorite, my fav is Paintpot.

Here is the QR code if you like to download it! There will be a download button somewehere!