
This is my about-me page, I made it because my teacher said we could add that. 

My name is Danica Do. I'm definitely not Chinese. I joined DATA because I didn't really like doing physical activities and building rockets. I prefered virtual and chose DATA. I found joy in the art courses, which started my passion for designing things. I also love to annoy people, YOU DON'T SEE THAT because I don't have the time. Here are some weird drawings I did in elementary which made me like drawing. You can rip paper, shred paper, step on paper, and stab paper. Below are pictures from my elementary arc. SORRY FOR THE RUN-ON-LIKE SENTENCE, JUST KEEP SCROLLING, please do.

These are drawing I had to do for a science assignment around kinder-3rd. My mom helped me with these. I was like "WOW, I SHOULD DO MORE!!" and yeah. That's the storytime for this.