Business Truck

Welcome to my website! Here you will find our menu, our truck model, and more!

At our store, we strive to sell high quality products to artists at reasonable prices.

Last updated 1/22/24

This is our food truck. Although this is just a 2D model, it is as similar to the real ones.

This is our menu, here you will see our bundles for our premium supplies.

Here at Artful Supplies, we strive for a happy and comfortable community, so why not do the same for our employees? 

In our company, we give our employees an average of 83 dollars an hour, making sure to also give dental and health insurance. We acknowledge this is a large and unusual amount of money, especially with the dental & health insurance, which is why we look for only the best to receive the best. 

Please contact us at

Each year, our company does public events like carnivals, fiestas, parades, and more to collect funds to donate to charities around the world.

Check out our latest charity HERE.