These next four images were created in Adobe Photoshop, which are custom backgrounds.

This is the title for my video.

This is for the section titled Places

This is for the section titled food

This is for the section titles Movies/Shows.

231024 My Favorite Things - Tiffany Peterson (FINAL).mp4

This is a  video that I have been making which includes just some of the many things that I like.

The titles for each section are very unique. To make the titles, I had to use Adobe Photoshop. I had to add a gradient and delete the layer mask and then play around with the types of layer masks to create each individual masterpiece. Then for the images, I had to search for them using specific keywords, and after I found the image I desired, I had to save them to my computer and then put the site I found it from so that I can credit them in the end of my video. To create and animate the video itself, I had to use Adobe premiere pro. All I had to do was add the images into the app, put the images in the order in which I feel is right, and then I had to add keyframes to zoom in and out and to transition to each image.